Quinnipiac College | Teen Ink

Quinnipiac College MAG

By Anonymous

   Hamden, CT: When setting out to view Quinnipiac College, I had set in my mind the idea that it would be a small, dingy college that would not fit my needs. Much to my surprise, the minute I set foot on campus, I fell in love. It is a fairly small school containing approximately 3,000 students. The buildings are modern and absolutely beautiful. A gorgeous mountain range is minutes away for hiking, biking, or just relaxing.

Quinnipiac specializes in physical therapy and occupational therapy, although it is also outstanding in other areas too. Quinnipiac is a college not well known, but after my extremely pleasing visit, I suggest it be known to all. I recommend this wonderful school to anyone who is interested in achieving a successful education while at the same time enjoying themselves. f

Reviewed in 1996

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i love this !