Sword of Glory | Teen Ink

Sword of Glory

September 28, 2013
By CrystalZ SILVER, Muscat, Other
CrystalZ SILVER, Muscat, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sword of Glory 2

Gary lied on his bed and put the helmet on.

All of a sudden, he felt his mind go through something. He saw colorful lights pass through him then he was landing on ground with a solid black surface. When he wandered around, a lady's voice came up.

"Welcome to Sword of Glory, you will choose your character now."

With a "bi" sound, the interface showed up. Gary chose gender as male. The interface changed to another section which read, "weapon" and "clothing". He had a lot of clothes to choose from but he chose a light yellow shirt, a pair of dark blue jeans plus a pair of black leather boots. The clothes were simple and well designed. Then he chose a sharp black sword, he felt it was the right weapon. After he clicked "conform", the lady's voice came up again.

"Your information has been uploaded, please enjoy your adventure. You are going to land is Beginner Village."

A few seconds of blackout, and he saw a familiar place. He had been in this village before. Actually, he had been chosen to play this game before as a adventurist. The helmet discriminates between different faces. Putting the helmet on was like the step to log on.

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