The Date From Hell | Teen Ink

The Date From Hell

October 14, 2016
By yolonda.kemp BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
yolonda.kemp BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“I would have never imagined my life would come to be like this,” Julianne muttered. “This is so disappointing and pathetic,” she sighed.  It is such a shame what type of marriage counselor isn't even married, none the less been on a date in 6 months.  Julianne Aliyana Hendricks that's who;  I could have been married a year ago, but thanks to her I'm not.  It hurts to even say his name, the memories are so vivid and painful to even bare the thought.

   Honestly it's so depressing to see all these married couples, I mean they have problems but who doesn't.  What's wrong with me huh? I'm successful, pretty, and intelligent well besides that scar but that's a story for another day.  At this rate I'm never going to find a man, I'm just going to get a couple cats to keep me company.  While Julianne contemplated her future cat names, she came to a halt.  When she looked up she saw that she had bumped into a man; he was breathtakingly beautiful. But somewhere  in the back of her head something told her he was untrustworthy. “I am very sorry, please allow me to take you out to dinner to apologize,” he said raspily.

“I'm not to sure about this it's been awhile since I've been on one,” she replied.

“Even better maybe I can show you some things you never experienced.” he chuckled. 

“You know what okay,” she said hesitantly.  I hope I don't regret this she said to herself. 

For some reason she still felt a little uneasy about him, hopefully her suspicions weren't correct. As he looked back at her, he felt the tiniest bit of remorse, she didn't deserve what he was about to do to her.
Oh well he thought, I need to make my money somehow even if it's hurting innocent people.  Just when Julianne was about to open the door her phone began to ring; I wonder who this could be, but when she looked down she only saw that it said private caller.  For some reason something told her to answer it, when she answered she was met with the same deep voice from earlier.  She was confused as to how he got her number if she never even gave it to him, whatever she mused pushing that thought  to the back of her head.

“I'll pick you up at at 8 o'clock sharp be ready,”he said.
Before she could ask him how did he know where she lived he hung up.  This was getting strange, while she was getting dressed she couldn't help but feel as if someone was watching her.  With one minute left to spare she heard a knock on her door.
“You look beautiful Julianne.“ he said huskily.
  “Thank you, look handsome as well.” she said shyly.
“Well let's go I don't want to be late for our reservation at 9.” he said.   As they got in the car she couldn't help but get lost in her thoughts; “Hey are you okay Julianne?“he said snapping out of her thoughts.
When she started looking at the window, she noticed that it had got significantly darker all she saw were trees and an empty road.  Little did she know that would be the last thing she ever saw.  Julianne was never seen again from that day on and she never did quite figure out his name.

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