The Big Surprise | Teen Ink

The Big Surprise

May 30, 2019
By Anonymous



KEVIN with a big grin on his face, is decorating the front yard to surprise his girlfriend, AMELIA. Kevin hides behind a big tree, waiting for her. Amelia’s car pulls up the driveway, she gets out. Amelia walks towards the table.  



Surprise! Happy birthday babe. I can’t believe you are finally 23!



Oh, thank you so much! Yea I can't believe it myself. I feel so much older.



I baked you your favorite cupcakes, and I also decorated them myself. Do you like it?



(With happy tone)

Yea, it looks really nice, I love it.


Kevin motions Amelia over to the table and pulls her a chair. Amelia sits down.


I’ll get the other cupcakes now.



Ok I'm famished, because I skipped lunch at work because I wanted to get it all done before I came here to see you.  


Amelia is starting to loosen up and rubbing her stomach.



I’m telling you babe you have to stop skipping lunch it's not good for you physically and mentally. You should’ve eaten lunch before you met with me, because I made desert.



I’m sorry ha ha I’m just so busy. It’s a special day, so why not eat dessert before lunch.



Ha ha! Your excuses are funny



Ha ha! Go get the cupcakes and then we can celebrate.


Kevin goes and grabs the cupcakes from the cooler he brought outside.



Here you go! Your favorite vanilla with extra frosting and sprinkles!



Yum! I'm so excited.


Kevin gives Amelia a cupcake with a huge grin on his face.



Why are looking at me like that? Right now, you look like you let the cat out of thee bag.



I'm just really excited for you to try the cupcake. I have only baked cupcakes a few times and I want to make sure that these are the best cupcakes that I made.


Amelia takes a huge bite of the cupcake and felt a circular piece of metal in her mouth.



(talks with cupcake in her mouth)

What is this!?


Amelia pulls the hard object out of her mouth.



We have been dating for four years now and I have finally realized that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you, Amelia Goldheart, marry me, and be my beloved wife, forever.


Amelia looked at the ring with a sad look.



No. I don't want to marry you. It's been fun while we have been dating but I'm not ready for this yet. I love your surprise, and it is really sweet. I just can’t.


Kevin looks at Amelia with an embarrassed and furious face.



I can't believe that I have wasted four wonderful years on you! It's not like we have been dating for a few months. We have had so many fun memories, and you just want to throw them out the window.


Out of anger Kevin took a cup with water and splashed it at Amelia. Kevin felt guilty and pleased of what he did.



Now let’s see if the witch will melt!


Kevin looks to the right and sees his neighbor walking in the park listening to music.



Amelia, I’m not done with you. Wait here.


Kevin walks up to his neighbor MORGAN.



Hey man, I heard yelling is everything alright?



I proposed, and she said no. I can’t believe that she would say no after four years of being happy together.


While Morgan and Kevin are talking Amelia wrings the water out of her hair, and dries off her face.



Oh, man I’m sorry. I would try to help but I have no idea about all this love stuff. As you know I haven’t had many relationships.


Morgan’s phone buzzes and he looks at it.



(while running)

I got to go dude. My mom wants me to do errands and go back to the house. See you later!  


Kevin looks at the dog behind the house’s gate


What are you looking at?


Kevin marches back to  Amelia.



Amelia, why. I don't understand, we are so happy when we are together. We are going to graduate college in one month. I thought you would be ready.



You have been the best boyfriend ever, and I am so happy that we are together. I am just not ready for that kind of a commitment. I know that we have been together for a while, I just can’t say yes.



Well I am done waiting, and I can’t look at you right now because you broke my heart.


Josh walks to his car and slams the door shut, and he drives off, not looking back.

The author's comments:

this is a screen play about a couple arguing

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