Scripts & Plays stories written by teens | Teen Ink

Scripts & Plays

Most recently submitted Scripts & Plays

By MaryGarter GOLD
Lawson, Other

Joan and Mark stroll along a coastline. Joan is uneasy and Mark doesn't know why. Mark says. “Joanie, what's eating you?” “I'm just worried, you know....
MaryGarter GOLD, Lawson, Other
16 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"A ship is safe in the harbour but, that's not what ships are built for."

By JellicleCat6 SILVER
Cambridge, Massachusetts
JellicleCat6 SILVER, Cambridge, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 11 comments
By acruz21 BRONZE
Bronx, New York
acruz21 BRONZE, Bronx, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments
PicturesqueHeart GOLD, Ashburn, Virginia
11 articles 1 photo 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't close the blast doors to your heart. ❤️

By Anonymous
EvangelineTimothy GOLD, Shanghai, Other
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
'The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.'

austinarsenault1 BRONZE, League City, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments
By Error78 SILVER
Woodbounre, New York
Error78 SILVER, Woodbounre, New York
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Listen, If you was a fish, Mother Nature'd take care of you, wouldn't she? Right? You don't think them fish just die when it gets to be winter, do ya?" -The Catcher in The Rye

By Showdas BRONZE
League City, Texas
Showdas BRONZE, League City, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"This is my swamp."- Unknown

greentea3664 PLATINUM, Dublin 4, Other
23 articles 0 photos 2 comments