12:48 AM | Teen Ink

12:48 AM

January 17, 2020
By Anonymous

November 3, 1998 

12:48 A.M. 

I loved her. She was my world, my soul, my everything. I remember her soft her skin looked  and how I would dream about feeling her, just once. I remember how her eyes revealed the things you needed to know about her, but not everything. I remember how she loved me, just like I loved her. 

November 4, 1998

12:48 A.M. 

She would always wear this perfume, Chanel, I think it was. I heard her say that she got it for Christmas. I loved it. I made sure to buy the same one, I made sure that my room smelled like her, I made sure she’d always be close by. 

November 5, 1998

12:48 A.M.

I miss Jesibelle. I miss her so much. I miss how she would always make sure that the neighborhood cat was well fed, although you could clearly see that he didn’t need any more food. God, I miss her smile, her beautiful big smile. She would always drop it when she saw me, but I knew better. I knew she wanted to keep her feelings a secret from others. I saw the way she looked at me. I saw it. 

November 6, 1998 

12:48 A.M.

There was this one time Jesibelle got me angry. I know she didn’t mean to. She had to be  having a rough day. It was a very rainy day, as per usual I was waiting for her by my window. It was 12:58 A.M.  and she was late. 10 minutes late to be exact. She would always get home at the same time, never a minute early or a minute late. Something had to be wrong. When I pushed my curtains more to the side I realized something. She was with a man. Can you believe it? She was 10 minutes late, and with a man. And she gave him a beautiful big smile. I was very angry to say the least. I may have hurt the neighborhood car that day, but it was okay. Jesibelle would treat him the next morning. And that’s exactly what she did. 

November 7, 1998

12:48 A.M. 

You know, now that I think about it, Jesibelle probably didn’t deserve my love. But I gave it to her anyway. She brought that same man home the following week and was even later this time. This time she was an hour late. She made me wait a whole hour by my window. Who would do such a thing? She knew I would be waiting for her there, she knew. So how could she just ignore me for that man. A man. 


November 8, 1998 

12:48 A.M. 

I heard that she was going to throw a Halloween party. When I heard I made sure to go buy my costume. It was nothing major, I was Stitch, Stitch from her favorite movie Lilo & Stitch. When the time had arrived I sat down at my usual place by the window, I grabbed my snacks and waited. I waited to see her in her Lilo costume. I giggled when I thought about how we would be matching. Eventually my eyes found her, she looked beautiful in her Lilo outfit, but she wasn’t alone. Again. It was that man. He had a cheap Stitch mask on, he didn’t even bother to have on a full costume. It disgusted me. 

November 9, 1998 

12:48 A.M. 

I loved her. She was my world, my soul, my everything. Jesibelle loved me. I know she did. She was just confused. She was confused when she screamed for help. She was confused when she tried to call 911. She was confused when she told me to stop. Jesibelle was just confused. She didn’t need a man in her life, she needed me. I just wanted her to know how much I loved her. But now she’s gone. My Jesibelle. 

The author's comments:

Wrote this in class for fun, hope others can enjoy.

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