The McCracken killer | Teen Ink

The McCracken killer

October 3, 2013
By courtney henderson BRONZE, Grover, North Carolina
courtney henderson BRONZE, Grover, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I, Nicole Brookland, the dumb blonde, have a boyfriend named Dalton Lovelace. We met on campus of college about a year ago. We have dated for about 10 months now and we decided to go to a cabin in the woods on our Halloween break. I’m kind of scared to go up there because there’s a legend of a killer that comes out on Halloween. The legends is about a little boy around 10 or 11 was out egging people’s houses with his 15 year old brother and his friends. They decided to get back at an old guy Mr. Jenkins, because they had shot there dog the past summer when he was eating his scarecrows legs off. So when little McCracken and his brother and his friends egged Mr. Jenkins house he came out and chased the boys down the hill, then McCracken fell. He tumbled down the hill and landed in the pond but on the way down the hill he hit his head on many things. Little McCracken was okay once he hit the water but what he didn’t know was his brother and his friends left him and the old man, Mr. Jenkins was following him. When McCracken tried to get out of the water the old man was standing over him ready to drown him. They sat there seconds maybe minutes just glaring at each other then Mr. Jenkins jumped on McCracken. Little Cracken didn’t know what to do he kicked the old guy in the stomach. He fell down in the water with a big thud and splash. Cracken got up and ran but he was too late Mr. Jenkins grabbed McCracken’s legs and pulled him in the water. Mr. Jenkins pushed McCracken under the water drowning him. He came up once gasping for air “Ahhhhhhh” but Mr. Jenkins pushed him under once more doing the deed. He brought the kid back up to his house and dug underneath the house to make sure he would never get caught.
Little did Nicole and Dalton know the cabin is where McCracken was buried. Dalton and I rode up to the cabin on the 29th of October. Two days before Halloween. We arrived at exactly 3:20 P.M. I took a look around and was ready to leave. I told Dalton it was a bad idea we should leave. He just said “honey your paranoid there’s not a killer up here it’s a myth”. “Oh ok but if you’re wrong you will have heck to pay and I mean that.” So of course we have to stay now so I minas well make the best of it. So I decided to go outside and pick apples off of the tree. I felt a breeze go by me but the wind wasn’t blowing. So I turned around and saw a dark figure brush by me and whispering “Nicole”. I stood there and my senses came to me I fell backwards and got up and started screaming “Dalton!”, “Dalton!”. I barged threw the door and told Dalton we had to leave now the killer is real. “Nicole, your imagining things there is not a killer calm down and get some water and sit down with me. So I went to the kitchen and got some water but through the window I saw the black figure go past the window. Again I screamed and dropped my glass of water “cccccccchhhhhhhh” went the glass. I froze up and Dalton ran in the room and said Nicole what happened. “ ….. I … I saw the figure again it’s the …. Killer”. “Dalton we have to leave now!” “Nicole give it a chance just one night and after then if you want to we can leave”. “Ohhhh alright”. That night I heard something knocking on the window or maybe it’s just in my dream. So I got up and looked out the window again I saw the black figure. “Dalton” “Dalton” wake up I was calling for him in a whisper. “Yes Nicole?”, “I …. I saw it again the figure please Dalton lets go”. “Nicole quit this is the only time we get away from campus”. “We don’t ever get to go out so just act like it’s not there and we will leave in the morning”. “ERRRRRRRRRR” opened the door. A large masked figure appeared he had knife almost dagger like. I got out of the bed and ran for the window it couldn’t budge. I kept hitting it all panicky like finally I broke threw it but something was grabbing my foot. It was dangling me over the side of the house I was struggling for my life. “DALTON!” “DALTON!” I screamed “HELP!” ‘HELP!”. He ran behind the killer and pushed him and me through the window. “Crackkkkk” my spine goes when he lands on me. I got up even though pain is dispersing threw my body. Dalton ran out of the house grabbing my hand saying “come on”. But something was tugging at my leg slowing me down. I tried kicking it off thinking it was a stick but it was actually the …. McCracken killer. He cut off Dalton’s hand so I was no longer attached to him. The killer had me; away he took me in the opposite direction of Dalton. I screamed “where are you taking me?” I repeated it twice. Then I found us alone at a lake in the middle of that October night. He pulled me along in the river with him. He picked me up and began to drown me just like what happened to him the same night 25 years ago. He let me come up once to feel the pain he once felt when he was younger. Again I went down thinking of all the memories I was losing but once would regain when I went to the spiritual world. I knew it was over, my lungs started to fill up my brain flooded with my memories. It was like I was blacking out, but before I knew it I was dead and becoming a killer with my new husband The McCracken killer. Every night from then on the same day just a different year we would go kill more innocent people to join our lovely family we were about to begin.

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