Flipped Plans | Teen Ink

Flipped Plans

November 8, 2013
By Littlejp167 BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
Littlejp167 BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The three girls circled the one calling her names and making fun of her. They made her feel so bad, she wanted to die inside. She often thought of suicide but then she thought of another way to solve her depression that the other girls had caused. She had decided that she would get revenge on those girls one day.

Later, in the girls older years, they all had became friends. This was the perfect chance to get revenge for the depressed girl. One summer the four friends Kirei, Kelly, Becca, and Jenna, were planning to go on a trip together. “I think we should go to Cabo guys. They have a great beach and we can get a nice tan,” Jenna stated with excitement for she was already looking it up on her computer. “The beach? We did that last year! I do not want to do the same thing every year, I think we should go to six flags. I heard they have amazing rides,” Kelly then thought about her fear of heights,” never mind!” she exclaimed.
“I got the perfect place in mind. You guys will love it! Just leave the planning to me,” said Kirei with confidence.
“Okay,” the others stated in agreement. So it was decided and the girls began to prepare.

All the girls were packed and ready to leave. “I’ve planned for a limousine to pick us up, drop us at our destination, and then pick us back up a week later. We have to ride in style,” explained Kirei as she smiled,” Is everyone ready?”
“Yes!” all the girls answered. Everyone put their stuff in the limo and got in.
“So where are we going?” implored Kelly.
“You’ll see, I want to surprise you,” Kirei stated.

When they arrived they all took their bags out of the limo and then the limo departed. They had arrived at a creepy old house in the middle of a deserted forest. The house creaked with every movement, cobwebs filled every corner. They were stuck here for another week. “What in the world is this?” Jenna shrieked.

“I thought this was a resort. I do not know what happened guys, the picture looked so nice. I am so sorry!” cried Kirei for all the girls were angry with her.

“Don’t worry Kirei, I’ll just call a taxi to come and pick us up. Oh, no! There is no signal anywhere.” Kelly Shrieked in horror as she was moving in every direction trying to get a bar.
“Well I guess we will just have to survive for a week!” Becca insisted as if she had wanted to stay there. The girls then walked up to the house with their bags and started to settle in their rooms. After they unpacked they all ate a quick meal and then went to sleep, they were exhausted from all the stress.

“Wake up, wake up!” Jenna heard as a creepy laughter filled the room. Jenna was tied to her bed but she remained silent. “Do you remember what you did to me when we were younger?” Jenna was quiet but thinking to herself. “You pushed me off the jungle gym causing me pain and causing all the others to laugh. So that is what I’m going to do to you!” the voice said as she rolled the bed towards the window.

“Please no! I am sorry! I was just a kid. I didn’t know!” Jenna screamed. “It is too late now,” she pushed Jenna out the window,” Ha ha ha!”

The next morning all the girls were eating breakfast.” Has anyone seen Jenna?” Becca asked. “She is probably just sleeping. You know she needs her beauty sleep,” replied Kirei.
“Hmm, well, what do you guys want to do today?” Kelly asked.

“There is a river. Do you guys want to swim?” Kirei implied.

“Yes!” the other girls exclaimed.

All the girls got ready and began to leave the house they soon ran into Jenna’s dead body. “Oh my gosh! What happened to her?” Kirei exclaimed.

“I don’t know but I am scared!” Becca stated in fear.
“What do we do?” Kelly questioned as all the girls began to cry.

“There is nothing we can do but last till the week is over,” Kirei said in a terrified manner.
“Let’s just try to forget about it at the river,” Becca implied. The three girls then headed off to the river.

The next night had arrived and the girls got ready for bed. They fell asleep with horror in their minds. Kelly had awoke from a nightmare. She was in a dark room alone tied to a chair. A person walked into the room,” Awake early, what a pleasant surprise.”
“Who are you and why are you doing this?” Kelly asked.

“You know what you did to me in the third grade don’t you?” the voice pondered, “Of course you remember when you pushed me down breaking my leg. Well, I am going to cause you the pain I had by breaking your bones.” The figure moved towards her with a mysterious device and broke almost every bone in Kelly’s body until she died from internal bleeding.

The last two girls alive woke up the next morning and conversed with each other. They had checked on each other around midnight and had found Kelly’s dead body with all the blood. “Oh my gosh, two are dead what if were next?” Kirei said.

“I am scared. What should we do?” Becca asked.
“I have no idea. Let’s just hope were not next.” Kirei shivered as she said this. The girls spent the whole day worried and watching their backs but then soon went to sleep because night had arrived quickly.

Becca woke up tied and restricted. Kirei came out from the mists of the darkness.
“You’re the one who has been doing this all,” Becca stated.

“Yes, I am getting back at all of you jerks for what you have done to me! You girls did not deserve the wonderful lives you have so I took them away from you. Do you know the pain you caused me, what I went through. It was horrible and I did not deserve any of it. You in particular hit me when I was eating causing me to choke. They had to give me the Heimlich to save me. You are going to get what you deserve.” Kirei stated with red eyes. Becca was then choked to death.

After the week ended the limo had returned to pick up all the girls. Kirei walked to the limo and put her stuff inside and headed on her journey back home. “Where are the others?” the limo driver asked.

“They loved this place so much they wanted to stay longer. Don’t worry ill pick they up later,” Kirei snickered.

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on Jan. 8 2014 at 11:59 am
Chrisss_tayy BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 3 comments
Wow this is amazing