Deep Sleep | Teen Ink

Deep Sleep

May 7, 2015
By emma breunig BRONZE, Sauk City, Wisconsin
emma breunig BRONZE, Sauk City, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Is this a dream? I have to wake up if it is! As I frantically try to scream, I awake to nothing but black. Is this my bedroom? No, If this were my bedroom there would be a bright green glow to my right from the new Apple alarm clock my parents gave me this year for my 16th birthday, and a picture of my snuggly cat, Dilly-bean. I can’t see anything. I am surrounded by darkness. Where has the light gone? Where am I? How did I get here? Where are my parents?
Struggling as I try to move my right arm, I notice there is what feels like a rope holding me down. I try to move my left arm, then my left and right legs. Nothing budges. Just as I am about to try to call for help, a piercing light flashes on, blinding me. Squinting into this vibrant white, I can only make out one thing. A freakishly tall, bald man in a white lab coat, tall green rubber boots and long yellow gloves, which appear to be coated in a thick slime. As he starts to walk toward me, he holds up some kind of sharp metal object and three tangled words slip out of his mouth before I fall into another deep sleep, ¨Are you ready?¨
Frantically I sit up covered in sweat. I look to my right and find my new Apple alarm clock and the picture of my cat Dilly-bean. My alarm clock reads 12:12. Thank God it was just a dream.
My throat seems extremely dry for some reason, so I slowly I walk to my bathroom and grab a cold drink of water. As I lay back down on my pillow, I see one thing standing in my doorway before I close my eyes; A freakishly tall, bald man in a white lab coat, tall green rubber boots and long yellow gloves, which appear to be coated in a thick slime.

Is this a dream? I have to wake up if it is! I frantically try to scream when I awake to nothing but black. Is this my bedroom? No, if this were my bedroom there would be a bright green glow to my right from the new Apple alarm clock my parents gave me this year for my 16th birthday, and a picture of my snuggly cat, Dilly-bean. I can’t see anything. I am surrounded by darkness. Where has the light gone? Where am I? How did I get here? Where are my parents? 

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