Sam and the Yellow-Eyed Demon | Teen Ink

Sam and the Yellow-Eyed Demon

May 21, 2015
By Jeffery BRONZE, Springville, Utah
Jeffery BRONZE, Springville, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sam and the Yellow-Eyed Demon
Sam was in 7th period, looking out the window when all of the sudden he saw a pair of two yellow eyes.  It made him jump and everyone looked at him.  Sam was embarrassed and confused.  He looked out the window to get a closer look but the creepily mysterious yellow eyes were gone.  “What was that thing?” Sam thought to himself, wondering if what he saw was real or if he was hallucinating.
The bell rang and Sam couldn’t stop thinking about the pair of eyes that appeared in the window.  He went to his locker and for a split second while Sam was looking in the mirror in his locker he saw a dark figure with yellow eyes but when he looked behind him his friend Dean was standing there and Sam jumped so high he thought he would hit his head on the ceiling.  He just turned back around and finished putting things into his backpack.
As Sam was walking home with his friend Dean he kept on looking behind him.  “What are you doing?”  Dean asked.
“It feels like someone is following me and watching me.”  Sam started freaking out because he swore something was following him but there was never anything there.  Both Sam and Dean started thinking Sam was going crazy. 
Dean and Sam live across the street from each other, they have for years, so they split ways and went to their own homes.  When Sam got into his house he felt safe, he felt like when he was in his home nothing could get in.
When Sam figured out that he was home alone he sat down on the couch to watch T.V. he plopped on the couch, grabbed the remote, and turned on the television.  Sam heard something but thought it was just on the television.  Then, suddenly he heard something in the kitchen.  Sam’s parents told him to hide in the closet when somebody was in the house and he was home alone.  But he was really scared so he did more than that.  Sam grabbed a baseball bat and hid in the closet.  When Sam got in the closet he locked the door and tied the doorknobs together so that nobody could get in but he couldn’t get out very quickly either.  In the closet there is a trap door that leads to a tunnel that leads to the basement which has a door so that he could go outside and go to Dean’s house and call 911.
When Sam got down to the basement he heard something coming from where the door was so, terrified, he went back to the tunnel.  When he got back up the tunnel he didn’t hear anything in the house anymore but, he did hear something coming up the tunnel.  Sam was petrified.  He had to untie the rope around the knobs and unlock the door but his hands were shaking so bad he could barely even grip the rope.  Finally he untied the knot and went running out of the closet. 
Sam’s thoughts were so scrambled that once he was out he didn’t know what to do.  He looked back and closed the door to the closet.  Then his feet started moving before he knew it.  Then he realized that his hands should too or he was going to run right into the front door.  Sam was almost at the door and he started reaching his hand out to open it.
Suddenly, a dark, shadowy figure that looked like he was made of smoke with yellow eyes that seemed like they were staring into Sam’s soul appeared in front of him.  Sam screamed and tried to run the other way but he couldn’t move.  It was like he was tied up, but with no rope.  The bat was still in Sam’s hand so he swung the best he could and the bat went right through the smoke-like man.  The dark figure spoke and said, “Hello Sam, I’ve waited a long time for this.”
Sam did not go to school the next day.  Or the next, or the next.  Dean couldn’t find him anywhere.  His family was very worried.  The police couldn’t find either. 
It has been five years since Sam has gone missing.  It would have been Sam’s nineteenth birthday.  His family still celebrated his birthday.  But it was Dean’s birthday, too.  Dean didn’t celebrate his birthday because it reminds him too much of Sam. 
It has now been ten years since Sam disappeared.  People don’t think of Sam too often anymore.  Sometimes even his parents forgot about him.  Dean on the other hand thinks of Sam everyday.  He keeps Sam’s picture in his car and on his night stand.  He doesn’t know how to let a friend like Sam go. 
Dean has a wife now named Cheryl with a baby on the way.  Cheryl doesn’t know about Sam or his family and Sam’s family doesn’t know about Cheryl.  Most of the time Cheryl forgets that she is married because Dean is in his own world a lot of time.  When he is in reality he is off trying to find clues on who took his best friend.
Sam’s family still is in contact with Dean.  They will call him sometimes to see how he is doing.  They know that Dean is still having a hard time with Sam’s disappearance. 
Sometimes when they call Dean will ask them questions about the day Sam went missing.  They always say the same thing, “Whoever took Sam didn’t leave any evidence of who they were or even what happened that day.”
Dean’s response is always, “Alright, thanks.” and then he hangs up.
One day Dean started seeing things.  Yellow eyes would appear in windows and dark figures would show up in mirrors. 
Dean didn’t think much of it because he knew that he was already losing it. 
But then one day Cheryl told him that she saw the dark figure with the yellow eyes.  That was when he knew that it was not a hallucination. 
Dean had to protect his family.  Now whenever he saw that dark figure with the yellow eyes he didn’t jump or get scared, he got angry.
One day Dean was face to face with the yellow-eyed demon.  He turned to run and fell over.  Dean couldn’t move his feet, it was like his ankles were tied.
“Who are you?” Dean yelled in anger.
“You’ll find out.” said the demon with the yellow eyes.
When Dean eventually got back on his feet he started skooching towards the fireplace to get the iron rod. 
Once Dean got the rod he hid behind his back and started skooching back towards the yellow-eyed demon.  When he got back to where he was he pulled it out from behind his back and right when it was about to hit the demon, that yellow-eyed freak moved out of the way.  “You don’t want to do that” it said.
“Yeah, I think I do.” Dean replied.  Then that thing said something that shocked him.
“Then you will never find Sam.”


The author's comments:

The tv show, Supernatural.

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