Je Suis un loup | Teen Ink

Je Suis un loup

June 1, 2016
By Franzgirl BRONZE, Viroqua, Wisconsin
Franzgirl BRONZE, Viroqua, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Broter! Broter, where are tu?”
“Surprise!” I shouted joyfully as I popped out of a corner of the dingy and small apartment. Axel loves hide and seek. After all there isn't much else to do here.
“Broter! Can we watch Tv?”
“Sure you can, but I should make something to eat, because it's already 6:30.”
As I rummaged through the large oak cabinet, I glanced over to see Axel switch to one of the six channels on the Tv. I found a large can of beans and opened it into a sauce pan. The smell of beans filled the tiny room. After dinner, Axel went to bed, and I began my nightly routine. I cleaned the dishes, watched some news and drifted off to sleep in my usual spot on the dilapidated sofa.
Filtered light awoke me to a lazy sunday morning. I went to the bathroom and performed my daily morning routine. After a quick shower, I made breakfast. Then I dropped Axel off at Mrs. Hamilton’s. Mrs .Hamilton is a kind older woman who watches Axel while I’m away. I locked the door to the apartment, then climbed down the creaky and old stairs of the apartment complex. I hopped on my Moto and rode out into the bustling city street. As I reached the corner of 23rd street I heard a loud gunshot ring out from a nearby hotel. Fearing someone had been hurt, against my better judgement. I rushed into the hotel and followed the sound to room thirteen . The door was slightly a jar, I reached for the  knob of the open door, suddenly I was struck by the door as it swung open violently. A Man covered in a red substance, ran past me very quickly. He carried a large black duffle bag covered in the same red substance. Instead of chasing the man, I turned my attention to the now open door of the room. My curiosity urged me to walk through the open doorway. As I enter the room a putrid metallic smell filled my nostrils. The same red substance that covered the man, covered all of the textiles in the room. There on the floor lay a woman half breathing, bleeding out on to the ground;; staining the white carpet red with her blood. Without thinking I ran to the woman, and desperately tried to stop the bleeding from her abdomen. It appeared as if someone had tried to disembowel the poor woman. As she lay there gasping,
“Ça fait maaal…” “Aidez-moi, s’il vous plaît…”
she was begging me to help her, with each word she spoke blood trickled down from her nose and mouth. She gasped once more and said “ Aidez-moiii…” After these final words she made a few gargling noises, blood now flowed out from her nose and mouth. She now lay there silent upon the floor, she was gone. I kneeled on the bloody carpet cradling her body.
“ We're coming in drop any weapons and put your hands behind your head!”
a man shouted I did as the man commanded. I felt numb and cold, from the shock of having someone die in my arms. As the man burst through the door, I could see he was a police officer.
“You are under arrest!” shouted the officer as he read my rights to me, now handcuffed the officer led me to one of the many police cars. Another officer approached me,
“Take this sick bastard down to the station, Louis.” Once at the station they immediately took me in for questioning. I sat, waiting in the cold metallic room for the chief to arrive. I quietly studied the surroundings within the small room where I was now being held. I began to pick at the tight handcuffs that bound me to a table, which was the only Furniture in the room besides the chair I sat in and another across from me on the other side the table. I finally started to feel emotionally distressed from the earlier experience, as the shock wore off but, I was I was not given much time to think about this; as I heard a loud knock on the door. The man opened the door slowly before entering but, slammed it swiftly close behind him. He was a robust man in his forties with dark eyes and graying hair. As soon as he sat down, he began to speak in a Gruff tone
“I am Chief Karvoski, Do you know your rights.” he said.
“Yes.” I replied even though I was not quite sure what this rights were.
“I have some questions to ask you. Why were you in the golden Grand hotel, room 13.”
“From the street below I heard a gunshot ring out from the hotel. So I went to see if anyone was hurt, and then I followed the sound to room 13.” I quickly explained.
“Hhmm... When most people hear a gunshot they run away from this and not towards it!” He asserted. “The victim was found with no gunshot wounds. Nor were there any guns found at the scene. Are you sure you're telling me the truth, Son?!”
“Yes, I told you exactly what happened!” I shouted now getting frustrated.
“Did you kill her!?”
“No I didn't even know her I just tried to stop the bleeding!” I felt terrible chill travel through my spine with each passing minute.
“How did you kill her!” His face was now turning bright red with anger.
“I didn’...” He had me in a Chokehold. My head slammed hard against the table.

“Did you kill her!??”
“No.” I squeaked out. He punched me hard in the face. My eyes began to well up with  tears from the pain.
“You little f***er! Did you f***ing kill her!” I said nothing.
“I'm done with this!” he screamed. He threw me up against the wall, then kicked me hard in my stomach. He left me there up against the wall and walked out. the door slammed it behind him. I waited couple seconds, so I was sure he was halfway down the hallway. Then I began to cry silently. My stomach felt as if it was about to burst and I wanted to vomit horribly. This didn't last for long though either as the same offer officer who had escorted me to his car came to take me to my cell. While walking down a large open Corridor, I saw this wasn't any state prison of course, just the county one so it was somewhat nicer. I'm not saying it was nice though. He showed me to myself and told me to strip off my clothes after I was done he checked each pocket of my street clothing for any such undesirable items that should not be brought into a prison. Alone I sat in the cell contemplating the now yesterday's events. Many different emotions drifted in and out of the conscious state. I sat on an old creaky prison bed and stared at the blank wall for a long time. It seemed like an eternity in my cell but, when I checked the clock behind me it had been only 20 to 15 minutes or so. Not long in prison time. I looked down into the long dismal hallway. I heard quiet and humble footsteps upon the tiled floor of the corridor. I thought nothing much of it and assumed it was just another guard patrolling the area. But to my surprise a Royal Canadian officer stood in front of my bared cell. He stood there somewhat frightened as he began to speak.
“Mrs. Hamilton heard of your ordeal and sent me here because she doesn’t think you've committed any crimes, and it's also a friendly favor to her.”
“But I didn't commit any crime.”
“I know that from what Mrs. Hamilton told me, it doesn't sound like you committed a crime and you don't have any past charges or criminal record. So it seems very unlikely that someone of your stature would commit such a horrendous and awful crime.”
He smiled and chuckled a little. After this we talked for many hours later about how to set up our so-called plan of sorts to prove my innocence and win my freedom, but there was still a little bit of doubt in my subconscious. I didn't know if I'd ever make it out of this jail cell and who would take care of my brother. He is much too small to stay by himself and his parents well, they aren't good for much. They weren't good to me that's why I took him in. I didn't want him to suffer the same thing as I had . I thought it would be best to pretend that being in prison was only a minor inconvenience. it was temporary. Saying things are temporary makes them a lot easier to understand and deal with. It gives you hope in some sense, but not really. As the mountie left he slipped a card under the jail cell bars. I looked at the small white business card, it  had the number and name of a State Attorney who'd worked on cases like this before. I didn't catch the mountie’s name but, I did read that it was Francis on his name tag. I was unaware of what his last name was though. To be continued.....

The author's comments:

murder mysterey, wrongly accused, Quebec culture.

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