The CRAZY GraveYard | Teen Ink

The CRAZY GraveYard

November 2, 2016
By Anonymous

The CRAZY Grave Yard

“Halloween night, and no trick-or-treaters?” Darcirius said as he noticed how empty the streets were.
“Yeah, Miracle agreed, “It doesn’t even look like any lights are on anywhere. Where could everyone be?”
As they continued their nightly stroll, they were worried about the oddness of it all, but they kept going.
Finally, they walked into the grave yard on accident and suddenly started getting scared.
Miracle and Darcirius stopped, looked at each other and said “run!”
No sooner than they started running, they felt a body touch them. The couple breathing hard, they seen two clowns standing there, one clown had a chainsaw, while the other had a lawn mower.
The couple looked at each other once again and yelled “run for your life!” They started to run in separate directions.
As they tried to flee, corpises started to rise from their graves. The dead started walking like zombies. They were walking zombies with chainsaws they had gotten from the tomb in the middle of the cemetery. They walked slowly and stiffly.
The power in the city was starting to go out all over until it was so dark, it looked like a blackout. After running a safe distance home, they hurried to the phone and called the police.
Police officer: 911, what’s your emergency
Miracle: There is a major problem, there is corpises and zombies chasing my husband and I with chainsaws and lawn mowers.
Police: Take your time and tell me what is your emergency
The zombies began to get closer and closer so Miracle didn’t have time to talk. She hung up the phone and began to run.
Darcirius remembered the windows were open and that they forgot to shut the door-but it was too late, the clowns and the walking dead were already in the house. The police heard what was going on in the background and were so terrified, that they immediately hung up.
The wife told the husband that “they had to get out of town” but there were so many of them, there was no way out of the house.
The wife started panicking and the husband remembered the gun. He ran to go get his gun, but there no ammo.
The wife started getting mad and said “only dummies would have a gun without any ammo.”
“I’m sorry baby, but I think we are just going to have to die.”
She replied “why do I have to be the one who has to marry a dummy that has no common sense.”
“That’s not nice; and I’m sorry. I just forgot and no one is perfect.
The clowns and the walking dead just got closer and closer. The wife decided to put manners into her own hands. She put on her Halloween costume which became cat women, she pulled out her whip and started beating the walking dead and the clowns.
Although the clowns had chainsaws, they couldn’t do anything because they started to run out of gas. The husband followed his lead and put on his batman-costume. He used his cape to go find his best friend. He told his wife to follow him, but before he could start up his car his best friend was dressed up as Robin and already at the couple’s house. Robin pulled out his stick to help, and started beating the enemy. One down, two down, three as they all were falling to the ground. Batman ordered his wife and Robin to get in the car but they ran out of gas.
Before they leave the drive way even more and more walking dead people started popping up. Every time one died, another one appeared., It was mating season , as you killed one, they reproduced; and if you kill that one, then it splits into two.
The couple and Robin were terrified and didn’t know what to do, so they sat in the car and looked at each other.
Darcirius had on star in his car, so he pushed the button to call and speak to On-Star
On Star Reps: Welcome to On-Star Anesha speaking 
Darcirius: Can you let out the wings to my car please
Anesha lets out the wings to the car, the wings run off of solar power, Darcirius starts the car and flies all the way to the Bahamas.
There the couple and Robin live happily ever after
The End

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