A Holloween to never forget | Teen Ink

A Holloween to never forget

December 5, 2016
By GhostyTurtle BRONZE, Miami, Florida
GhostyTurtle BRONZE, Miami, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"i'll let you drag me through hell if it means i can hold your hand" - follow you by bring me the horizon

It was one foggy night, like every Halloween. No one was outside, everyone was too scared to go out at night on Halloween. Only because every Halloween night a tall, creepy, skeleton like creature comes out and kidnaps all the kids, even parents. He creeps through the woods next to all the houses and spots his targets, then he transforms into a normal like human being and tracks the kids, then when they’re not looking he takes them back to his layer. As he takes them, he makes sure no one is looking and puts sleeping powder into the bag to knock out the kids. When he gets there, he puts the bag down and gets his lab set up for testing. “Everything is already set up: says his assistant Mary, “take it for me” says the creature as he hands her the bag of kids. After the kids got put into the camber to be gutted out, the creature picked up the skin of the kids and tried them on. He went to a mirror to look at himself, as he looked all he saw a little boy no older than 12, “perfect” he said “just what I need”. Soon he finally finishes trying on all the kids on, he goes outside, spreads his wings to see if there’s a city nearby. When he finds a city, he goes back and gets on of the kid skins and puts it on as if he were to be that kid himself. So night after night, every Halloween, he gets the skins, puts it on, and goes to trick other people in his trap.

The author's comments:

"this isnt very long but its one of my old stories based off a music video i watched"

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