Bea Catcher | Teen Ink

Bea Catcher

September 19, 2017
By Anonymous

A popular cheerleader, beaten raped and left for dead and an edgy 17 year old outsider with an incredible gift. An unlikely team that has a chance to take down a killer. Bea Washington isn’t your average teen and her previous drug addiction isn't the only thing that makes her different.

Bea’s life had been a blur for years ever since the night her best friend and her boyfriend betrayed her. That night was dark and gloomy. The sky was heavy making it more of a blur. The night faded in and out while Bea tried to come to throughout the night. Slowly walking up the stairs to her boyfriend bedroom, trembling not only from the cold marble steps that her bare feet touched every step of the way, but also from the extreme high she was in. There she stumbled up to his door, turning the knob and whipping it open preparing herself to jump into her boyfriend's arms but instead she stands there, looking at her best friend and boyfriend's eyes. She then feels like she's stuck, as if the walls were closing in on her and she can't breathe. She runs from his room, outside to the cold damp grass where she fell to her knees trying to catch her breath. She soon gets up and runs home. There her mother and father are waiting for her. Their eyes filled with tears and disappointment. Bea shows up wet from the light misted rain that began to fall, mascara streaked down her face, her jeans now stained at the knees where she had fallen hard on the grass, and eyes as red and glassy as marbles. Not only from crying, but since she was so high. From there her parents put Bea into rehab. She became clean for a few months entering slowly back into reality.

When Bea came back home she started at a new School, Packard High. She was kicked out of her old school obviously due to her drug addiction. Bea was coming into a school that had been shaken up from two assaults on two young women. One girl survived the attack, Willa Pressman and Bea is now attending the same school as her.

Willa Pressman didn't remember anything from her attack or her attacker, at least that's what she says. But Bea has a new-found skill where she can draw the truth out of people, literally. It’s as if Bea can read people's minds and through her art it shows exactly what that person is thinking. With just one look into someone's eyes, Bea gets an electric shock through her body, through her arms and hand, right down to her sketchbook. Looking at Willa, Bea feels as if she was struck by lightning. Bea’s body becomes as stiff as a board, but her hand begins to scribble having no control over it. Bea doesn’t slow down, her pen moving frantically, racing all around the paper coming to an abrupt stop. Bea stares at her sketch, no emotion within her face other than her eyes widening and beginning to water. Again she gets the feeling of being stuck and the walls closing in on her. She closes her sketchbook. Statue like in her seat waiting for the bell to ring, Bea wondering why Willa was thinking of her ex boyfriend.

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