A Star Is Born | Teen Ink

A Star Is Born

December 20, 2018
By Anonymous

The article "A Star Is Born" by Elijah Davis is a very interesting and emotional article. When Elijah wrote "The story can also feel unfocused at certain points" I felt this. I agree with Elijah hen he says, "The shallow scene in particular, gave me the chills, as it was beautifully done". I absolutley agree with Eijah's article since he understands the meaning of this movie and how he puts a lot of his good words into his article "A Star Is Born".I thank Elijah for understanding the concept of the movie "A star is born" because I too have watched the Star Is born and I understand what Elijah feels. 

The author's comments:

Lady Gaga in the movie "A Star Is Born" played the role very well and i was amazed by how amazing she did. 

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