Generation WTH? | Teen Ink

Generation WTH?

March 26, 2019
By Ginnna BRONZE, Phoeniz, Arizona
Ginnna BRONZE, Phoeniz, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I enjoyed Sarah Clemens article "Generation WTH?" which disscussed the dark reality of being a teenager in todays day and age along with the horrific stuff that has now been normalized to us, such as the likeliness of being involved in a school shooting, almost as if its part of the teenage expirience to worry about being shot in the middle of math class. The normalization of these events are harmful to teens and usually result in a noticible and darastic downfall in their mental health. Ive spoken to an adult regarding the shooting occuring in our nation lately and I was told I shouldnt worry since Im graduating soon, as if the students after me dont matter, I want to be safe in my school, I should be safe, and I want students who continue attending school after I graduate to continue to be safe, it shouldnt be a task to stay alive and I shouldnt be told that this problem doesnt really affect me because of my age, shootings affect the entire generation targetted, shootings affect the entire nation that suffers from them.

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