The Pursuit of Happiness | Teen Ink

The Pursuit of Happiness

October 31, 2018
By LanceFuchia BRONZE, Cupertino, California
LanceFuchia BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The boy asks his mom “Can I buy NBA2K19?” She responds with an enthusiastic yes. The boy was incredible happy and jumped up in celebration. The family was very rich, and they had billions of dollars. Few days later, he asked his mom “I need this in game currency, and I get some?” Again, she says yes, and the boy screeches in joy. This gift lasted 5 weeks, then he asked his dad this time. “Can I get a new phone?” Wanting to make him happy, the hesitant father mumbled out the words “yes, son.” Years passed by, and all of the boy’s wishes were granted. When he was a teenager, he brought home a girlfriend, and introduced her to his parents. They did not approve of this, but still agreed and were nice to her. As months passed, the boy’s relationship with his girlfriend slowly faded, as they fought often and eventually broke up. This crushed the boy’s heart, and his parents bought him a jet. This made him happy again, and he forget about the breakup. But as he grew older and took on his parents’ company, things were the same. Objects and gifts made him happy, and this stayed consistent. He had a loving wife and great children, but there were always problem in life. That’s when he knew the truth- “ the pursuit of eternal happiness can never be achieved, happiness comes from enjoying the moment.”

The author's comments:

I wrote this philosophy.

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