Eating Gummy Worms. | Teen Ink

Eating Gummy Worms.

August 24, 2008
By Anonymous

I've been meaning to do this for some time. But after the way it went with mom... I'm not sure. I sigh and put the phone closer to my face. You called, furious with me. I ran away, technically speaking, after failing math.

"Dad?" I interrupt, not waiting for an answer. "Would now be a bad time to tell you I'm bisexual?"

There's a pause. I chew and swallow another gummy worm.

"... No..."

And I hang up.

The author's comments:
Many people think all teenagers go through that 'bi curious' stage. Sure. But what I'm experiencing... it's not a phase. It's not planned. It's not something I picked. It just happened. I told my father in the worst possible way that I am, in fact, bisexual. None of the above story is fabricated.

But please, if you are struggling with sexuality, tell someone. It feels much better when you do.

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