I am From | Teen Ink

I am From

March 21, 2016
By Maria_Johnson SILVER, Mt. Sterling, Kentucky
Maria_Johnson SILVER, Mt. Sterling, Kentucky
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from 4-Wheelers
From mud and smoke
I am from the little log cabin in the holler
Full of love and kindness
I am from the roses that grow beside the sidewalk
The tree, we would play on Night and day, whose limbs
I remember as if they were my own.

I'm from the sunday morning homemade biscuit
and gravy and putting up the tree stand every fall,
From I told ya so's and the you should've listened.
I'm from muddin every saturday and Church on sunday morning
and from the fishing till 2 O'clock in the morning

I'm from "everythings going to be alright"
and "If you stay strong you can do anything"
and the smiles and laughter when the family gets together
I'm from always being there for each other and you'll never be alone.
I'm from buck creek and uncle paul farm,
I'm from Fried corn bread and soup bean
From being gave second chances
and when you mess up and make mistakes you can be forgave,
Im from being able to leave and say i'm never coming back,
But when you do; arms are open wide waiting to hug you
I am from the little cabin in the holler.

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