A Split Country | Teen Ink

A Split Country

January 24, 2017
By Anonymous

A societal issue that has been on my mind recently is the Presidential Election. The fact that our country is almost split completely fifty-fifty on either Donald Trump’s ideal’s or Hillary Clinton’s ideals is terrifying. As of right now, we have half of our country that is distraught, angered, and frustrated by the outcome of this election. The real problem is that this was unavoidable, either way, half of the nation would be upset. Another aspect that has been on my mind relating to the election are the riots that have been taking place, directly following the results of the election. I do understand that some may disagree and strongly dislike the outcome but Donald Trump is our next president, rioting will get you absolutely nowhere. The only outcome of rioting is death, fighting, and violence. It is completely acceptable to be upset, but to riot violently is simply not the answer. If these individuals who are rioting instead made peaceful protests I feel as if their voices may be heard even more than they are as of now. This issue is one that cannot just be pushed aside or ignored, our country needs to find a solution in order to come back together. However, this requires both sides, that of Trump, and that of Clinton, to make a few compromises that must be accepted with positive outlooks.

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