A List of Lessons I Have Learned | Teen Ink

A List of Lessons I Have Learned

May 15, 2018
By Anonymous

Actions really do speak louder than words. He can tell you how much he cares, he can say he loves you, he can use the sweetest words you have ever heard. But does he ever prove it to you? I was once told by someone that they loved me, a few days later they changed their mind. Actions do more than words. Words are just syllables, syllables with the ability to lie and withhold the truth.

Others’ opinions don’t matter. I spent so many years scared to be myself, being someone that wasn’t me. I was never happy. Once I let myself act as who I am I began to truly smile.

It’s okay to not be okay. This was really difficult for me to understand. I’m supposed to be the girl that always smiles and is always perky. Once I was alone though my smile was gone, my perkiness became tears. Now I go to a counselor to get help and I take medicine that I call my “happy pills”. And that is okay.

Some people aren’t meant to be in your life. Friends come and go, and sometimes that’s for the better. I once had this friend that I loved so much. One day I made a mistake that he was not able to forgive. But he seems very happy now. Maybe it was meant to be this way.

You don’t know what another person is going through. Treat everyone kindly please, they might not be treating you kindly, but you can be strong enough to handle it. You don’t know what happened to them recently, they could’ve been beat the night before, they could be planning out their suicide, they could have lost someone that they love. You don’t know the problems that others have.

Try new things. It’s more likely that you’ll regret not doing something new than you will regret doing it. It may seem scary at the time but it’s only one moment in your life, it won’t last forever.

You have the right to say no. I once thought I couldn’t say no, I was too scared to. I really should have just said no. If I had only said no, then I wouldn’t have to live with this pain the rest of my life.

Don’t procrastinate. The tv will be there when you’re done, you can always text later. Do what you have to when you need to. It will be worth it in the end.

People are raised differently. I was raised knowing if you commit to something then you follow through until the end. Some people weren’t raised like this or taught that. It’s hard to realize that people don’t have the same morals, but once you do it’ll make things way easier.

Things do get better. 2017 was the worst year of my life. But now things are improving and I’m a lot happier. Everything might not be exactly how I want but things are better. Everything will improve. 

Be thankful. You’re here. You’re breathing. You have food. You have a home. That’s a hell of a lot more some people can say. Maybe you don’t have those things, just cherish what you do have.

You are not worthless. I don’t know what you’ve been told or what you’ve been through. But you do have worth you were created for a reason. If you think of a flower garden, all the flowers are so beautiful. You don’t say ‘oh this one would look better if it were purple’ or ‘if that one were taller it’d be so much more beautiful’. You are a flower, nothing about you needs to be changed.

Materialistic items are not important. Your phone is not a necessity. If you don’t get that new video game you aren’t gonna die. You will survive without material items. Appreciate the important things.

Life will go on. Bad things happen, they will continue to happen. You can’t prevent that. But you can choose how you react. Life will not stop, you will survive this.

A relationship is not necessary. Sometimes you need time to your own and to be on your own. You don’t need to be in love in order to be happy. You eventually will find someone, but if you keep searching that won’t happen. Let love come to you.

You can be happy. This seems impossible at times. Just try to think of the good, search for the happy. If you can’t find the good then make the good. Change your perspective.

The author's comments:

Some things I've learned that once I realized makes life a bit easier.

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