Advocacy Letter | Teen Ink

Advocacy Letter

January 4, 2022
By AlecPhillips BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
AlecPhillips BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Mr. Lores, 

HP has always been the go-to company I trust when buying a new computer. My family has been using HP computers ever since my dad stopped working there in 2016. HP computers have affordable and high performance technology, and they are easy to configure; However, I recently encountered some issues with my HP Pavilion.   

As a senior in high school, I have plenty of reasons to use my HP Pavilion daily, ever since I got it back in 2018. But recently, I ran into issues with the loading speed. I didn’t need this computer to do more than run Google, but even then it was slower than every chromebook in the classroom. I have to refresh the page or even reconnect to the internet to get it to load frequently.

Although I am disappointed in the computer I bought, I am solely here to notify you about my experience, so you can build upon this product. I understand not all computers are perfect, but for the price I paid, I did not receive the quality I felt was necessary. 

Hewlett Packard has been a struggling company for the past decade; my dad left the company because of that. I support Hewlett Packard, I want this company to succeed in the future. Customer service is key to keeping your customers and to improve your products. 

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you, Mr. Lores.



The author's comments:

Submitting this for my compotision class.

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