Whisker Whispers | Teen Ink

Whisker Whispers

February 13, 2024
By JM5 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
JM5 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When growing a beard you must be ready for an exciting journey that requires patience, care and attention. Whether you're aiming for a full lumberjack-style beard or a neatly trimmed look, Simeon Lakic can help you figure out how to cultivate your facial hair.

The first step to the process is patience. Lakic says, “Grooming a beard is all about patience; it won't happen overnight.” He says typically it will take a couple years to really find a routine that works for you. He also tells us that it's not for everyone. For example, his older brother was never able to grow facial hair; therefore, he can't find a routine that works for him because it is genetically impossible.


Lakic says the next step is to start with a clean slate, start from scratch and let it grow evenly and naturally. This will also help to see the pattern and where it could be patchy. After the Lakic says you need a healthy lifestyle and regular maintenance to keep your beard up to par. Make sure to get in your daily vitamins and minerals especially zinc, vitamins A, C and E, and Biotin. Mix this with washing it regularly with beard shampoo and conditioner and you will be on your way to a beautiful thick beard. 

 Make sure to trim and shape your beard along with giving it beard oil and natural moisturizers. This will enhance your experience in growing a good and full beard because it helps it maintain its health. In conclusion, growing a beard is a process that requires patience, care, and attention. Lakic’s guidance highlights the significance of patience as a pillar of successful beard grooming, underscoring the need for a clean start and commitment to a healthy lifestyle.

The author's comments:

I want to grow a beard.


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