The Dangerous Melvin Trapp | Teen Ink

The Dangerous Melvin Trapp

January 17, 2011
By mitch293 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
mitch293 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Melvin Trapp is a 77-year-old man, who is a small time farmer in Sussex, WI.
Through his many years of farming, he says one story sticks out.
He said, “I broke my hand after hitting the dog on the head.”
The dog was chasing the pigs, tearing there skin and scaring them, so he hit the dog on the head and broke his hand.

He also broke his pelvis because a piece of foundation fell on it. “If it would have hit three inches higher he would have been killed,” Melvin says.
They were digging a trench to put a water line in and the foundation collapsed.

“I could have fallen to my death but my foot broke my fall,” Melvin says.
Another accident he had was he fell out of the hay mill and broke his foot and spine. He was there because he was trying to level off the hay and he slipped and fell twenty feet and landed on some 4 by 4 boards.
The last injury he had was a cement block fell on his head and knocked him out. Melvin said, “I walked into the house and said I’m going to the doctor again.”
What is some of the worst memories he had on the farm? It was when his dad went up into the corn dryer to level off the corn and it was warm and humid up in the silo. He couldn’t handle it and they took him away in the stretcher.


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