What is the American Dream | Teen Ink

What is the American Dream

September 12, 2014
By vvasquez2016 BRONZE, Pacoima, California
vvasquez2016 BRONZE, Pacoima, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them"- Michael Jordan

Before, I presumed that my mother came to the U.S. because that's what the majority of people did at the time. she was only sixteen so, I figured she was just joining the crowd. when I asked her she had said her mother had sent her to the U.S. to stay with my aunt. My grandmother’s intention was to help them achieve better lives and in turn would become easier to provide for their family and not just barely meet ends. My mom lives for her family; she always says “family first.” Over the past 50 years, she has worked extremely hard to accomplish her idea of the American dream.

My mother revealed her opinion on the American dream, she stated “ The American dream is not about being rich or having everything you want the American dream is any sort of progress or improvement in your life and as a person.” At first I Contemplated it and I thought it made no sense, I was expecting something along the lines of acquiring an education and a life in which you live in comfort compared to that of which you would've gotten from your home country. But the more I considered it the more I realized that it was true, it isn't your wealth that matters it's being able to provide for the ones you care and to become a higher quality of yourself in the process.

She says the U.S. has great opportunities for those who are willing to dedicate themselves to accomplish it, She often says “the U.S. allowed her to live a life where she was able to provide for her family and enjoy herself while doing it”. She’s extremely confident in the way she has managed her life “she would make the same decisions she has made her entire life because she is confident that her decisions are what led her to be the woman she is today”.

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