My Tag Along Name | Teen Ink

My Tag Along Name

October 9, 2022
By 4albrechte BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4albrechte BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Universal. All containing. It is seen all around the world in different places and cultures. It is the number four. Or eight.

My name is warm, a roasting cup of coffee with a fresh out-of-the-oven cookie. It is energetic, a playful teacup maltese, constantly trying to speak. My name is the famous book by Jane Austen based around a precocious woman and her match making.

My name is a Bon Iver song. A love song. About a break up. It is one of my favorite songs. Confusing yet comforting. sorrowful. “Saw death on a sunny snow/ Running home, running home, running home, running home.”

But I don't think I am sorrowful. And my name is not enough. I like to add my middle name as a tag along.

My middle name is my favorite flower. It has delicate petals flourishing. But with razor sharp thorns protecting it at all times. My razor sharp thorns are always trying to protect me too. Even when I don't want it.

My middle name is my grandma. She was strong. Determined. Short tempered at times. She spent almost her whole life in a wheelchair. She never hid from her condition which chained her down. Instead, she embraced it and used it as a way to connect with others. She used to let us race her extra electric wheelchairs in the parking garage. I never won. I hope I am as optimistic when challenges come my way.

She never cared about what others thought of her and just did what she wantedShe once thought she was balding so chose to wear a wig. She rolls into Dairy Queen with it on. Lopsided. A very pigmented brown. It did not trick us. . I aspire to be as goofy and carefree as her.

She was a fighter. Battled with a sickness on and off for years. She didn't like to show it. I was a thousand miles away. I didn't get to say goodbye.

I am universal, all containing, warm. Energetic, precocious, protected . Apprehensive, strong, determined. Goofy, carefree, optimistic.

My name is Emma Rose.

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