Influence | Teen Ink


April 1, 2014
By Anonymous

Over the course of my sixteen years of existence, I have been greatly influenced by many people around me. My friends, my family, and the society I associate myself with. However, one person has had more influence on me for my whole life than anyone else. My brother has helped to make me who I am today.

Ever since I was a small child my brother has been with me. Whether we were growing up together or him helping me with something after he went to college, he has always been a very important factor in my life. When I was a little kid I always enjoyed spending time with my brother and my sister. I did, however, prefer spending time with my brother because he always seemed like the coolest person I knew. My brother did not always feel the same way about hanging out with me and he often acted like the older brother by beating me up. Even this is something I am grateful for because it made me a tougher person today. Also, I always respected his crazy ideas, like a demolition derby with bikes. Even with blood pouring out of my knee from the bike pedal that had recently been brutally shoved into it, I was having fun.

As a kid, I also enjoyed watching my brother play games on his computer. I believe this is part of the reason I love games so much. Growing up it was one of my better group of memories when my brother and I played games together on our computers. In fact, I still enjoy playing games with him today, just not on computers anymore.

Another good influence my brother had on me is forming my love for hunting. When I was old enough to go on my first hunt, I went out duck hunting with my brother and my dad and my dad’s friend. It was a rather uneventful day, as nothing was moving, but spending time with the people I like most made the trip well worth it, in addition to the amazing food we had.

As I grew into the years of middle school, my brothers legacy drove me to do my best. Both my brother and sister had the same teachers that I had in middle school, so I had to live up to the accomplishments of them. Although I never truly beat them at anything, they both did influence my academic career.

More recently my brother has influenced me by helping me through with academic help and tips on how to get the most out of high school. He has helped me with math and many other subjects when I have needed help. He has also given me tips on how to take the ACT more efficiently and also challenged me to better his score. Also, my brother has influenced my ideas of what i want to study in college. He has influenced a great number of decisions i have made in life. In addition to influencing my choice of study he has influenced my college of choice as well.

In truth, there is not much in my life that my brother has not influenced. Partly because he is my brother and he has grown up with me my whole life, but also because he is someone who I consider to be very close to me.

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