The Game That Really Counted | Teen Ink

The Game That Really Counted

June 13, 2014
By _colbydame_ BRONZE, Portland, Maine
_colbydame_ BRONZE, Portland, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Scru you

It was the bottom of the 6th inning and I had a 3-2 count of the batter. I was sweating and I could smell the saltiness of the sweat running down my face. I can see the batter's knees wiggling as if he already knew he was going to strike out. Everything was going slow motion through my eyes, every second was like a minute long. This pitch could wreck or make my perfect game happen. I get in my wind up and I go to through the pitch and...

It was a cool summer day and it was the day for our all-star game against Cape Elizabeth. There was a slight breeze which made it a better day for baseball. The ride over to the field was a tense ride because if we lost that meant we were out of the all-stars but if we win we go on to the final four. I arrive at the field and it smells like freshly cut grass, I love that smell especially when I have a game. I was the first one there with my dad and I noticed that I was the only one at the complex which was really weird because usually it's packed but it was completely dead, it was like a zombie apocalypse happened and me and my dad were the only people alive. After feeling like that for twenty minutes one person came in about every five minutes. Finally my whole team was there and I felt very relieved.

We walked to the field together, as I walk I'm already starting to sweat a little beat because if we lose were out. We get to the field and I smell the fresh white spray paint for the foul lines. I see the other team coming over one at a time and I think to myself we can beat them they don't look that intimidating. My whole team was warming up with the heart of a lion going after his pray. I look up at the sun and it was just blistering down at me, it was about 90 degrees outside so this game will be one hot game. As I walk on the mound for infield I feel the intense heat of the sun burning down on my neck. It feels like a sauna outside. I can feel the sweat running down my face, the smell of saltiness in the air.

It's finally game time we were the away team so we got to bat first. I got up to bat and I hit the ball to the gap I ran to second base as if second base was a wounded gazelle and I was a tiger. Their pitcher was good but I was better he struck the next guy, so we had to go in the field. I threw my warm up pitches and the other team was looking at me scared because I was throwing heat.

It was now the bottom of the 5th inning and not one of the batters came close to 1st base. Finally I threw a fastball outside the batter roped it to right-center, I'm thinking in my head s***. The outfielder was running and running and made an outstanding diving catch to keep my perfect game going. I tipped my hat to him to tell him that was a great play. When we got up to bat I hit a 2 run homerun to make the game 2-0 I was as happy as a little kid on Christmas morning.

It was the bottom of the 6th inning and I had a 3-2 count of the batter. I was sweating and I could smell the saltiness of the sweat running down my face. I can see the batter's knees wiggling as if he already knew he was going to strike out. Everything was going slow motion through my eyes, every second was like a minute long. This pitch could wreck or make my perfect game happen. I get in my wind up and I go to through the pitch and I threw the pitch as hard as I could and I blew the ball by him. I could hear the whistle from the ball cutting threw the hair, the batter swung for the fences but came up a little short of a strikeout. My whole team came crashing to the pitchers mound and tackled me as happy as can be. We went to home plate to shake hands with our opponent. I can see the tears in their eyes as I slapped their hands. I saw the kid that I struck out last and he tipped his hat to me. He told me I did a great job and that everybody was hoping that I left the game so they had a chance of getting on base. The coach took the whole team out for dinner and everyone was still so happy that we're moving on to the final four.

I couldn't fall asleep that night I was to excited. It felt invincible like the hulk or spiderman. It felt like I couldn't be harmed.
Two weeks later, as I walk to the field all ready my uniform perfectly tucked in. The whole team went with our pants knee high. We wanted to feel like the old time MLB. It was a rainy-ish day on our final four game and it was kinda cold too. It was one of them kinda days where you don't really wanna do anything but just sit inside and do absolutely nothing all day. I'm sitting in the dug out thinking to myself what will happen if we lose? What will happen if we win? I thought we were going to lose because the Falmouth team looked really good and has a good mentality.I'm pitching again because I've had about 2 weeks rest.

The 4th inning was the best inning because we scored 3 runs and they scored 0. I could see the frustration on their faces like they wanted to throw something. When I was pitching I could see my breath waving thru the air like a tornado. After I pitched all I could see was slow-motion the ball just cutting the air like knife cutting thru butter. Our team was really happy because it was 3-0 going into the bottom of the 5th. They were up. And they had one person on base. The coached yelled timeout. And I saw him walking out to the mound where I was. I knew I was coming out, I knew that if someone came in something bad was going to happen. I saw the knew pitcher warming up as I was walking around the dirt. It was kind of a muddy dirt like when water rubs over sand at the beach.

We ended up losing that game 4-3 Landon let up a 3 run shot over center field fence. The car ride home was the worst part of the day. I couldn't help but think what would have happened if I stayed in the game. When I got home I sat in my bed and didn't really do anything but just think about that game. I thought we were going all the way to the championship.

It sucks when you lose, but you come off a really good game and your thinking wow we can't be beaten. The game hit me hard like be hit with a 90 mile per hour fastball in the chest and you get the wind knocked out of you so you can't breath.

The author's comments:
I thought I would write his because this moment meant a lot to me

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