Auditions | Teen Ink


December 17, 2014
By Anonymous

Monologues.  Monologues make me sweat.  I am the kind of person who does not get nervous about anything until you mention the word monologue or audition.  I have one memorized and all ready to go but when I go up to present it, I draw a blank.  Even the word monologue sounds like you’re throwing up.  “Mon-o-logue”  When I am at home or wherever, I can be memorizing it very well but when I go to present it in the audition, the only thing I say is, “Line?... Line?... Line?” instead of the actual monologue itself.  In my opinion, the hardest part about a monologue is not just memorizing two minutes of words, but acting in a character at the same time.  

At one audition, I had to talk in a southern accent but I did not get the part because I sounded too Hispanic rather than southern.  I guess I was thinking a little too far south.  I have gotten parts in a play before but that was when the audition did not require memorizing a monologue.  All there is to do during the audition is cold readings.  All you do during cold readings is read lines straight from the script.  No need for memorizing or anything.  Even then, I sometimes have to call out, “Line!”
I normally don’t get nervous for anything unless I’m at an audition.  After I do get the part… That is if I get the part, my nerves go away.  I feel so confident and I don’t need to be in competition mode anymore.

The author's comments:

I was getting ready to audition for the school play and I needed to memorize a monologue for the audition.

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