The Greatest Neighbors | Teen Ink

The Greatest Neighbors

November 19, 2021
By AlecPhillips BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
AlecPhillips BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Camping on weekends is really fun, until Sunday afternoon. Not because I don’t want to leave, but because I want to leave. I go all weekend without showering, I’m sore from my uncomfy little bed, and I’m ready to use my personal bathroom, but worst of all, the lawn needs to be mowed when I get home. 

One weekend, we were coming back from camping. I hadn’t mowed the lawn, and the grass was tall before we left for camping. Mowing the lawn was my first priority I had to take care of when I got home. When we pulled up to the house, I got so excited. The lawn was fully mowed!

My first initial thought was that my dad had someone do it, but he was just as confused as I was. As we pulled the camper into the driveway, I noticed my neighbor was outside. I asked him if he mowed our lawn, and he said yes. 

I gave him a million thank you’s, and continued to help park the camper. I’m sure to him, it was a small act of kindness, but to me it mean’t a lot that he took the time to mow the lawn for us. Now I could unpack, shower, and enjoy the rest of my day. 

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