Is It Worthwhile? | Teen Ink

Is It Worthwhile?

April 28, 2008
By Anonymous

America’s poverty is being ignored by those few people who have the power to do something about it. Yes, citizens donate their time and money to charities, but their small donations are not enough to satisfy the country’s hunger. Poverty in America goes unnoticed. Some people wonder, “How can a person in our succeeding nation be poor? Poverty is in third world countries.” This is true, but why are American people hungry too? If people weren’t so greedy, perhaps they could share with those who are less fortunate. It is believable that there will always be men, women, and children dying from hunger and preventable diseases, but with more contribution to organizations that fight poverty stricken areas, the death rate is bound to suppress.

With the 2008 presidential campaign rapidly moving forward, the money is also flowing. Even though the money is streaming, it isn’t headed in the right direction. Candidates need advertisement, but spending millions of dollars on commercials, bumper stickers, and billboards just doesn’t seem important. Why don’t the candidates take part of the money that isn’t going to buy a vote and give it to a shelter that will buy food? The nation’s priorities are not exactly in line.
Debt among American citizens averages around $5,000. During the Christmas season, nearly $1,000 is spent by the average shopper. People have to have the newest toy and latest fashion trends. If the new gaming system wasn’t $300, perhaps the extra money would be given to a good cause. A child living on the streets could get just a teddy bear for Christmas from a shelter. All he or she would need is someone to hug, love, and tell their thoughts to. Big feasts on special holidays are traditional, but feasts for every meal from McDonald’s are not. They are becoming traditions of every day life. It shouldn’t surprise us that America is growing in more ways than one. It isn’t bad to eat a home-cooked meal. They’re cheaper and healthier in the long run. A little less eating out might mean a little less weight gain and more spending money on the important things in life.

With excessive poverty, spending, and overeating, America has experienced it all, but have we experienced the greatness of eating and shopping less to have more money to help poverty reliefs? Not yet. If each person were more conscientious of his or her own actions, then our world would be a better place. We have heard it a thousand times, and we need to hear it again, “It’s better to give than to receive.”

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