Invincible | Teen Ink


October 6, 2008
By Anonymous

I've heard the sterotype from adults too many times to count, all teenagers think they are invincible. Clearly they have the wrong idea, although that is not neccessiarily their fault. Adults use this sterotype to explain the reason that bad things happen to young people. Because they didn't think it could happen to them. I believe it is an unfair judgement that all young people are this way, and I have heard countless stories of adults thinking in this same aspect of "invincibililty". When something terrible or tragic happens, almost anyone will say "I never thought it would have happend to me". People don't realize that the horrible things they see on the news are not just a part of one person's life, but all of our lives. If it can happen to one of us, it can happen to all of us. People are not aware of this because other people's problems on t.v do not directly affect their lives, or so they think. Quite simply, they are other people's problems.

So this is the concept of invincibilty our minds have adapted. For myself as a teenager, there have been many times when I have felt invinsible. Although it is a different feeling from the typical invicibility high, or at least I describe it that way. It is not a feeling, it is a being. It is very possible to be invincible, to be so happy that nothing in the world can touch you. Nothing can bring you down. And you life is so good, the best it's ever been. You've never felt happiness like this before, and there could be nothing better than that feeling. So even if you did die right then, it wouldn't even phase you. You believe your whole life was worth this one moment of happiness, and surely the future will be great but once you know the best state of life itself, what is the point of living? You are too young to realize that there is no way to know that life cannot get any better than this, you are too caught up in the moment. To be that content for an istant is common, to be that content for a lifetime is perfection.

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