The Bliss | Teen Ink

The Bliss

November 28, 2020
By Anonymous

The cocktail blue sky was turning into grey. Pillows of clouds were forming. I rushed to my room to get my headphones. I was half way back when I heard the first patter. The raindrops gently brushing the leaves and the still drop on that one petal of the daffodil set a perfect scene to be etched on the heart forever .Those first raindrops when fell on the hot dry land created an aroma. A scent that got me captivating. I was surrounded by petrichor. The raindrops gracefully brushed off dust from a tiny little bird. She flapped her wings and flew away.

The cuckoo was happily singing around. Her sweet voice didn't let me turn on the music. I saw a squirrel coming out from behind a tree letting the raindrops fall on his cute little face.

It was serene to watch nature in it's full bloom. The mesmerizing beauty of nature always has a special place in my heart.

The author's comments:

Ehat rain brings to the mind of most of the people.

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