Lacrosse | Teen Ink


April 1, 2022
By Anonymous

Most people have a sport they love, if not a sport a hobby. Some people enjoy doing other extracurricular activities instead of playing sports. For me, I love playing lacrosse. I have been playing since 6th grade and hope to continue playing it for years to come. I may not be the best player, but being on a team and playing a sport is something I enjoy. The feeling of getting close with your teammates and the coaches is something that I look forward to all year round. I have made countless memories from playing lacrosse each year. The rush of running on the field and winning games is unmatched. Everyday I look forward to being able to spend multiple hours after school with my friends. Each year I am lucky enough to have such an accepting team. I have the opportunity to meet new people from different grades each year and those girls have become my closest friends. In lacrosse there are 4 offensive players, 3 midfielders that play both offense and defense, and 4 defensive players, having 11 girls on the field. I play offense and have been in that position since 6th grade. 

During my first season of lacrosse, I met one of my best friends, Jenna. We were friends before lacrosse season started but it definitely brought us closer. From the many hours and weeks practicing, passing, talking, and getting to know each other, it has made me love the team environment. We all work together to make each other better at the sport and achieve one anothers goals. Winning games feels so good and it’s so fun to celebrate afterwards, but regardless of winning or losing as long as we try our best that's all that matters. 

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