He died, but he lived! | Teen Ink

He died, but he lived!

October 21, 2018
By Anonymous

He died, but he lived!  <3

He stood there solemnly as if in deep thought;
I doubt he would have moved, even if he got shot.

His fists were clenched and there was a scowl on his face;
But even these gestures couldn't spoil his manly grace.

He was thinking about his daughter whose forehead he had kissed;
Apologizing earnestly for the school function he had missed.

About his pretty spouse who, with moisture in her eyes;
Had stood in the doorway, waving the last of her good-byes.

About his crippled old mother, lying in her cot;
Whose hand he had held, while she cried a whole lot.

He shook his head, as if to clear his own mind;
He decided to do it for the love he'd left behind.

In one hand was the gun, the other held the bomb;
He had to fulfill the task and it wouldn't take too long.

"Let justice be done!" he cried spiritedly as he ran;
Towards the place where stood the enemy's tank.

He pulled the trigger and there was an ear-piercing sound;
Followed by eternal darkness that spread all around.

You know what they say about soldiers who get killed;
In this world he has died, but in our hearts he has lived!

The author's comments:

A tribute to all our soldiers who sacrifice everything for their country! 

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