Bittersweet tension | Teen Ink

Bittersweet tension

March 16, 2023
By Croaky_kibbles BRONZE, Barnegat, New Jersey
Croaky_kibbles BRONZE, Barnegat, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Biting into citrus skin and chewing through rough, trauma-filled muscle, left with a blank taste of struggle. 

Embrittled bone brought to light, heavenly light, fitting as the sweetly saturated marrow is a final persuasion for peace.

Only one mind can finally rest knowing it peeled back her bittersweet layers and understood all of her prevarications.

Digesting each act of sin and love, each bitter bite led to a sweeter sorrow,

no graces were given before this final meal.

Nothing about this battle was graceful or cradled by god’s gentle blessings.

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