crying time | Teen Ink

crying time

June 1, 2023
By amelia_lynn BRONZE, Hubert, North Carolina
amelia_lynn BRONZE, Hubert, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tick tok tick tok

The clock goes with a witty chime

I try to focus on it while trying not to think about the past

Have I always been so tall?

When did my mom stop kissing my bruises when I fall

At what age do I ask for a real car instead of a toy one

When did showers start being relaxing instead of a chore?

No more markings of gained height on the door 

With time dolls turn into money on birthdays

Hallways no longer slide's with funky-colored funky socks 

Nightlights into decorative lamps 

Plastic Princess play heels into real ones.

Would you reverse and traverse through time?

Tick tok tick tok

The author's comments:

I'm in a creative writing class and we are exploring the publishing world.

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