Opening Day (100 word Memoir) | Teen Ink

Opening Day (100 word Memoir)

March 7, 2024
By lorb518 BRONZE, Colgate, Wisconsin
lorb518 BRONZE, Colgate, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It's April 1st and I have just arrived at the ball diamond, throwing my jersey, pants and cleats on. A man comes up to me and says something. I couldn't quite hear what he said. ¨Im sorry, what did you say sir?¨ I ask. ¨I said there's nothing quite like opening day, flowers are blooming, birds are chirping, and baseball season is just kicking off¨ he replies. I continue to get ready. As I eventually realized how grateful I should be to be able to play on another opening day as my baseball career was winding down.

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