Books | Teen Ink


March 12, 2015
By Isabelly GOLD, Paragould, Arkansas
Isabelly GOLD, Paragould, Arkansas
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Just drop out this week" - Mr. Baldwin

Swish swish swish
the tender pages turn
Swish swish swish
the pages are being turned delicately
Swish swish swish
this person cares about the book

Faloomp faloomp faloomp
the tender pages turn
Faloomp faloomp faloomp
the pages are being turned harshly
Faloomp faloomp faloomp
this person doesn’t care about the book

Rip rip rip
the tender pages turn
Rip rip rip
the page has been ripped out
Rip rip rip
this person has destroyed the book

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