Holding Your Breath | Teen Ink

Holding Your Breath

October 5, 2018
By keelyyes SILVER, Warsaw, Indiana
keelyyes SILVER, Warsaw, Indiana
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
I was once a shade of blue but you turned me to yellow- "Cliffnote" by guardin

Think about a time when

you had to hold your breath.

You can feel the

pressure rising in your chest

like the pressure of a boiling pot

with a lid on it.

The water if deprived of oxygen.


Your rib cage is a sizzlig pan,

electric with heat,

ready to catch flame.

Your cheeks like balloons,

ready to burst with pressure.

Ready to give in to your need of oxygen.

Don't let your cheeks turn away from you.


Betrayal is a tree;

it grows taller so you can see it more clearly.


Remember to take a breath when you need it,

for oxygen should be like your rock.

The author's comments:

In literature class, we were learning about poetry and figurative language. We had to include similies and metaphors in an original poem about a topic we were given. I was given "holding your breath." So i wrote a poem about, one, the physical feeling of holding your breath. And two, what letting your breath can mean; betrayal. It also taks about the need to take a breath, especially after loss or betrayal.

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