Almost Done | Teen Ink

Almost Done

October 28, 2018
By Anonymous

I was losing hope of saving myself

I was stuck in a box and they said, “get out yourself!”

They mocked me and teased me while dancing around

gaining laughter and joy while I drowned

The water was rising, and I was losing my breath

and I started to accept the fact that this was my death.


I was losing sight of the celebration above,

and was blinded with darkness, but came about my dove

The love of this dove gave me hope to ascend

And to fight the whole crowd that had made me cave in

She guided me through this treacherous prison

And into the light where the sun has arisen

My dove, my love, I could not live without

My dove is my true love, without a doubt

Forever, forever will it be her and I

Forever, forever I will stay by her side

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