The Storm | Teen Ink

The Storm

March 8, 2019
By ekeenster BRONZE, St Peters, Missouri
ekeenster BRONZE, St Peters, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The storm of life

is chaotic and full of anguish.

We are all struggling

with the constant passing of time, the




of the hands on the clock

as they forever move on.

Never ceasing.

Always advancing.

Eternally ticking.

We hate to face the reality

pf the unknown.

Each of us hears the little

w h i s p e r

inside our heads,

reminding us everyday

of our worry and fear of what’s to come.

For now it feels like

The storm of life will never stop roaring and thundering

With every raindrop that falls,





The storm gets stronger,

The winds blow harder

The clouds are painted darker.


But with      each passing      day,

We become more immune to its conflicts and struggles.

One day the storm will pass,

And all will be calm,

But for now, we must endure.

The author's comments:

I picked a couple random words, and then put them together to create a larger meaning. I like to write about our world and our current situations, and I think this poem captures how hard life can be for each and every person. I didn't want to just write a poem that was sad and depressing, so I decided to give a message of hope at the end.

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