Two Worlds Just Across The Street | Teen Ink

Two Worlds Just Across The Street

June 14, 2019
By ifaria7767 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
ifaria7767 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
We realize the importance of our voices only when we are silenced. — Malala Yousafzai

When scorch of summer hit Gurgaon, India

My house in Hamilton Court bathe in the light

Flat screen television glows

I look across the street

Watch Mrs. Gupta give

Her sons

Cold bucket baths each day

They make roughly $1 a day

While my father makes millions.

Two worlds just across the street.


We have Groomed lawns

and security guards

Elevators cruising up and down

25 floors

My father a businessman

and mother, a teacher

Air-conditioners hum.

Two worlds just across the street.


Across the street Shanta gave birth

at home

Down in the slum

The baby is weak

Laying on a cot outside

Flies dancing on his face.

While Mrs. Gupta cannot read

And worked

in other people's homes since

the age of 7.

Two worlds just across the street.


In the end, we all observed

Doing nothing

Two worlds just across the street.

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