Night Terrors | Teen Ink

Night Terrors

May 3, 2021
By Atharva-Joshi BRONZE, Birmingham, Other
Atharva-Joshi BRONZE, Birmingham, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The night grows colder
The moon shines bright
The weight of your
Absence besides me
Gives me quite a fright
The night grows darker
The woods come alive
Bugs crawl
Beasts roar
One Two Three
Four Five
Footsteps on the wooden floor
Terror Terror Terror
Death’s embrace draws near
The screams erupt
From my lungs, like
An untamed storm
But you stride in, arms
Tight around me, warmth
“Hush child, no need to fear.
Mother’s here!”

The author's comments:

This poem was written on 2/05/21

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