I know your gone | Teen Ink

I know your gone

December 21, 2022
By Rumor BRONZE, West Springfield, Massachusetts
Rumor BRONZE, West Springfield, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I know no amount of art 

Can bring you back

I know your gone

Taken from the world in circumstance

A 22-year-old should not have to face

I know you're gone from this world

That the universe whispered your name

For the last time 

Not caring that you had so much to live for 

But a number of us still shout your name

Into the open air of the sky

When the sky is pink 

We know you're saying

“Good luck nerds, you're doing good.”

So we raise our chins 

And wipe our tears

And wonder what you would think of us 

If you saw us crying over you

But Blood God

I hope you know

We miss you, King

And you were taken to soon

The universe may have forgotten you

With your last breath

But we never will

You are our universe

So the universe said I love you

Because you are love

You are our light

Your chapter may have closed

But you are always in our stories 

And I know your gone

But I still can't believe it

The author's comments:

About the Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade who passed away in June. I'm still dealing with the hurt from his passing. So I write this to remember him.    

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