The Universe Said No | Teen Ink

The Universe Said No

January 9, 2023
By Mellohi GOLD, Wentzville, Missouri
Mellohi GOLD, Wentzville, Missouri
13 articles 19 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A word too hard to Difficult." Mellohi 2/9/2021

When I leave this earth
I want it to be
Sitting on the roof
Watching the stars shine
When they shine there brightest
I'll leave this plain
And go to another world

That's how it always is
I leave one world watching the stars
And enter the next looking and learning
A new set of stars different ones
That's how it's always been
I arrive and leave in the glowy light of the
Moon and her children

Every world I visit has it own stars and roofs
But that's how it always is
Sometimes that roof is a cliff
Big and glorious
Sometimes it's a willow
Tall and magnificent
In the end its always the same

Each world I leave
I also leave behind people
Partners and children
And belongings
And stories
And towns
And my newly built Legacies

This may sound sad and it is but
Every world is a new start
And every world is great
Each one magnificent and beautiful
All of them deserving of a chance
I have a gift
A beautiful wonderous gift

At first it's sad to leave behind
Your loves, children, everything
But after a while you get used to it
You then enjoy and welcome the change
The ability to start a new
To leave when ever you want

You use this to your advantage
Leaving when your finished
And can't handle it anymore
Starting a new just for fun
This time though you go to leave
Just a little to soon
The universe said no

They said you need to continue this path for longer
There are people here who need you
They need your Sunrise energy
They need your beautiful personality
You can't leave just yet
So we give you this last chance
Use it wisely

I woke up this time to the same stars
The same people
The same roof
The same everything
Nothing changed
It was not supposed to end this way I suppose
This time I wake to the same world

The author's comments:

My favorite thing to do when stressed is to write. So this is what I've spent the last hour creating instead of studying for finals

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