Her | Teen Ink


April 18, 2023
By eleanorzi12 BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
eleanorzi12 BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dark, black hair

Pretty, black glasses

Loving smile

And wonderful tattoos

A big, caring heart

Shows animals kindness

Fixing people’s hairstyles

To make them the best version of themselves

Loving family and friends

With such fierceness

Fighting for rights

With such passion

But such a good heart has its dark side

A side filled with bad memories

Punishing her brain and heart

Filled with such darkness

Striking a depression

A depression kept from family members

From her children, her siblings, and cousins

She goes on in life

Working through the days

But still, someone comes knocking on the door

A person in a black cloak

A person whose name is Death

The author's comments:

My cousin inspired this poem. 

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