Disappointing Daughter | Teen Ink

Disappointing Daughter

May 19, 2023
By cait161 BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
cait161 BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Disappointing daughter, that’s all you see

In reality, I just need you to be proud of me.

You’ve physically been there, but emotionally, not so much

Everyday our relationship seems more and more out of touch.

My accomplishments are equivalent to the bare minimum, 

Nothing I do is ever enough .

I just want to make you proud

Yet something so little, seems so tough

Disappointing father. Is that what you are?

Yet every time I’ve needed you, you’ve never been too far.

You’re here when I need a ride, 

and giving me money doesn’t hurt your pride,

But my conflicted feelings still seem to reside 

Disappointing daughter, I don’t want to be.

Everyday, I work hard so that you’ll finally see me.

I want the endless laughs, and the pressureless conversations

But they all seem to end in unrealistic expectations

Disappointing daughter, is that really me?

Why can’t you just say that you’re proud of me?

The author's comments:

It's about longing for a better relationship with my father. 

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