Embers of Release | Teen Ink

Embers of Release

January 13, 2024
By cecegiji BRONZE, Congers, New York
cecegiji BRONZE, Congers, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the furnace of my own doing, 

the embers glow with whispered regrets


I've cradled them for too long, too close,

but I must let go of the waltz of what-ifs


the smell of ash and smoke, a ballad of the past,

yet, in the quiet of release, I break free at last


For in the letting go, I find release,

a liberation from the chains of yesterday


I discover the dawn of a brand new day,

and a new year that unfolds before my very eyes

The author's comments:

In the crucible of self-reflection, this poem illuminates the essence of the New Year—a time to release lingering regrets and ignite a fresh flame. It encourages letting go of the haunting "what-ifs," embracing the scent of renewal amidst the ashes of the past. With liberation from yesterday's chains, it symbolizes the dawn of a vibrant new year, promising a blaze distinct from the shadows of bygone choices.

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