blending in | Teen Ink

blending in

July 21, 2024
By Anonymous

When I was 1, I was a peach

Napping and nagging

Cheeks milky and mellow

Hair light and fluffy

I only knew my mom and dad

And only they knew me


When I was 3, I was a lychee

Left out and labeled 

Friends with blue raspberry-filled eyes;

I had soot stained in mine

Maybe my teacher tasted something spoiled -

she spat when she saw me


When I was 7, I was a dragon fruit.

The class said I was scary and strange

My hair was sharp

And they called me “slit-eyes”

I didn’t know why I was different

But it made me feel pathetic


When I was 13, I was a yuzu.

I saw people as they took a bite,

Immediately scrunching their lips as

My heart started to rip

And my sour juice would start to drip

So I hid, plastic over my head, tight with a twist-tie


When I was 18, I was a coconut. 

Painting a stiff shell around myself,

I finally fit in 

Hair that reflected the sun instead of absorbing it

Blue lenses masking the brown

Writing Sarah instead of Sakura


When I turned 21, I became a smoothie

Full of flavor, acidic, tart, sugary, and rich

Juice coursing through my veins

My lungs inflate, culture blossoming

As I realize that I am worthy too

Go ahead, take a sip, you don’t have to enjoy it, but


I won’t blend myself in.

The author's comments:

This piece is about enduring racism and embracing identity. As the narrator goes through her life, she experiences demeaning her ethnicity and appearance,  so she hides away. Becoming an adult, she realizes how important it is to have your own sense of self and that your culture and background makes you unique. 

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